

“Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

4 Truths About Christian Giving »


4 easy ways to give

Giving is a way that we return to God what He has blessed us with, and in doing so we cooperate with Him in Kingdom work, for His glory and the good of others. It is also an important aspect of worship because it acknowledges that God is our provider. In both the Old and New Testaments, we see teachings and examples of giving to ministries for the sake of God’s work among His people. If you would like to give to the Lord through our ministry, we sincerely appreciate your gift. There are 4 easy options for you to choose from when you decide to give.

During worship

At the end of our service, as you exit the worship center, you will see 2 boxes. These 2 boxes are designated for collecting your tithes and offerings.


If it is more convenient for you to mail an offering to the church, you can send it to our office address:

10301 Caribbean Blvd., Cutler Bay, FL 33189.  

Foyer kiosk

In addition, you can use the kiosk in the foyer of the worship center. At the Welcome Desk, there is an Square register that will allow you to give with any card.  


Finally, you can give online here by using the Donate button below.