This message covers “The High Priestly Prayer” in John 17.
This message covers “The High Priestly Prayer” in John 17.
Here are 3 things that the Christ life is…
In this world, we will have tribulation. That’s a promise. But Christ’s presence by way of the Holy Spirit is a promise, too.
In this popular text, Jesus teaches that He is the vine, and that those who abide in Him bear fruit.
Jesus begins teaching the disciples about "another helper," the Holy Spirit. Text: John 14:15-31.
John 14:6—the greatest one-liner in history.
To close John 13, we look at the theme of glory as it appears here and throughout the Bible.
In this text, Jesus reveals and confronts the betrayer, Judas Iscariot.
The Last Supper begins with a lesson in servanthood and leadership.
In the middle of public tension, John reminds us that Jesus’ Gospel is for the world.
In John 12, we learn about Mary’s anointing of Jesus’ feet.
This is the story of Jesus, Martha, Mary, and the resurrection of Lazarus.
This is the story of Jesus, Martha, Mary, and the resurrection of Lazarus.
In this text, Jesus says "I am the good shepherd," and gives the characteristics that make up the sheep.
This message is a recap of what we’ve already covered in the Gospel of John.